






We design and deliver interactive experiences for leaders and teams to escape the gravity of everyday work and realise breakthrough business outcomes.



We bring people together to fast-track the building of trust, tribe, and teamwork

As humans, we are driven by an innate need to belong to a group, a tribe, a team. Building that sense of belonging takes work, but it’s some of the most valuable work your organization can invest in. Research tells us your people are the most powerful predictor of organisational success, both propelling progress or slowing momentum.

It is for this reason we put people at the centre of everything we do. We build highly engaged, trusting teams, with robust relationships that unlock unimagined business value.


We engage audiences to solve your organisation’s most pressing challenges

Don’t be accused of running boring meetings ever again. We design and deliver inspiring, immersive, and inclusive meeting experiences to tackle your team’s biggest issues and opportunities.

Think high-impact facilitation techniques, grounded in neuroscience, anchored in adventure metaphors, and all designed to accelerate your outcomes.

team development


We ensure everyone feels accountability and ownership of the path forward.

It all comes down to commitment–100% commitment to each other and the plan moving forward. That is what aspire to achieve in every engagement.

We work to ensure everyone is not only onboard, but has absolute clarity on ‘who does what, by when’. Anything less means delays, debate, and disruption. And that’s not what we’re about.

Outcomes we help organisationsdeliver

Leaders globally engage us to solve their most critical business challenges including:

Redefining purpose, mission, values & culture

Define strategic direction & actionable plans

Develop leadership capacity & capabilities

Accelerate changes & transformation

Build high-performance teams

Engage & inspire employees

Here's what people sayabout us

The Sparring Partners have been a tremendous asset to our teams here at Microsoft. Their insights, approach, and presence combine to help drive highly impactful and effective engagements.

They have worked successfully with some of our most senior leaders in both individual and team settings, and have stepped just as easily onto the stage to lead multi-day engagements with very large-group audiences.

They are excellent coach and brainstorming partners, think systemically about event/content/team effectiveness design, and collaborate extremely well across both internal and external stakeholder groups.

Director of Talent Management and Leadership
Microsoft Digital, Services and Success

The Sparring Partners have been a tremendous asset to our teams here at Microsoft. Their insights, approach, and presence combine to help drive highly impactful and effective engagements.

They have worked successfully with some of our most senior leaders in both individual and team settings, and have stepped just as easily onto the stage to lead multi-day engagements with very large-group audiences.

They are excellent coach and brainstorming partners, think systemically about event/content/team effectiveness design, and collaborate extremely well across both internal and external stakeholder groups.

TEstimonial 3
Director of Talent Management and Leadership
Microsoft Digital, Services and Success
The Sparring Partners presentation and facilitation style is captivating, engaging and deeply rooted with techniques supported by the latest neuroscience. The Sparring Partners approach to our leadership and talent development efforts has been to augment our own model with cutting edge facilitation and learning experiences. This approach has equipped our leaders with knowledge and tools for empowerment and strategy execution, while further aligning our team behind our core organisational mission
SVP Head of Human Resources, Enterprise Services
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
The Sparring Partners presentation and facilitation style is captivating, engaging and deeply rooted with techniques supported by the latest neuroscience. The Sparring Partners approach to our leadership and talent development efforts has been to augment our own model with cutting edge facilitation and learning experiences. This approach has equipped our leaders with knowledge and tools for empowerment and strategy execution, while further aligning our team behind our core organisational mission
Testimonial 2
SVP Head of Human Resources, Enterprise Services
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
The Sparring Partners have been an amazing extension to our leadership team. They have helped Cisco Marketing facilitate everything from very large global meetings, with people from diverse backgrounds, to small intimate leadership meetings, all where the stakes were high and the impact required was dramatic. With a mix of business acumen, leadership expertise, emotional intelligence and boundless energy, they focus on delivering outcomes. Many of their ideas, concepts and disciplines are methods we continue to use today.
VP Digital Marketing, Demand Generation, Marketing & Strategic Operations
CISCO Systems
The Sparring Partners have been an amazing extension to our leadership team. They have helped Cisco Marketing facilitate everything from very large global meetings, with people from diverse backgrounds, to small intimate leadership meetings, all where the stakes were high and the impact required was dramatic. With a mix of business acumen, leadership expertise, emotional intelligence and boundless energy, they focus on delivering outcomes. Many of their ideas, concepts and disciplines are methods we continue to use today.
Testimonial 1
VP Digital Marketing, Demand Generation, Marketing & Strategic Operations
CISCO Systems

What you can expect from

the Sparring Partners team

Experienced, inspiring, charismatic, resourceful, and calm, our team plays the position you need, when you need it: sounding board, coach, mediator, Devil’s advocate, messenger, and accountability partner.

We’ve done it all, and we do it all.

We understand the fears that drive us all — vulnerability, failure, change — and we strategise with leaders and teams to develop achievable, actionable plans that minimise the fear and maximise the progress through every phase required to reach your desired outcomes.

Who we work with

Meet The Team

Cameron Webb

Cameron Webb

Camerons experience as a meeting facilitator and leadership consultant spans 14 years, 21 countries and 31 fortune 500 companies


Anika Patel

Anika Patel

Anika's experience as a meeting facilitator and innovation strategist spans 15 years 19 countries 27 Fortune 500 companies